Fun Chem 17 Stuff

This is an unofficial page on which I will put some Chem 17 stuff from time to time.

The official page can be found here.

And here is another page with lots of helpful things, if using it doesn't make you feel too much like a traitor! It has some useful information, lots of practice problems, and a number of general organic chemistry resources. Make sure you check out ORGO -- Organic Reactions Go Online. This site is being developed by my first organic chemistry professor (from Fall '94).

Week of 11/30:

Exam 4 is this Friday at 11 AM!

  • A few words on alkylation of enolates.

  • Some synthesis problems (with answers) to try.

    Week of 10/26:

  • E1/2, SN1/2 handout Some light reading to supplement/summarize lecture notes and help clarify which type of reaction happens under any given circumstances.
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    "Help me, Liz!"

    My office hour is from 2:30 to 3:30 on Thursday afternoons, in the Graduate Student Lounge in the basement of Mallinckrodt. My sections meet Monday from 2 to 3 in SC109 and Wednesday from 2 to 3 in SC110.